About ABSI
Choosing a school is a difficult and crucial decision. ABSI, is
the International Student Admissions Center for many quality junior and high schools. ABSI is not an overseas agent representative - however ABSI encourages families to work with the school/s approved education agents overseas and can recommend an agent to the family.
The focus for ABSI is to assist families and agents to facilitate the admissions process on behalf of each school. The ABSI admissions staff work closely with valued and approved school education agent representatives around the world. ABSI also works closely with schools and organizations overseas seeking boarding schools in the USA.
Our team has been assisting families, students, organizations and selected agents with enrollment inquiries and questions, and further supporting and guiding them through each step of the admissions procedure collectively now for over 20 years worldwide.

Annie Weatherburn
President / Global Managing Director

Grant Weatherburn
Vice President & Commercial Director
ABSI Management and Overseas Consultant Team

Global Development & Enrolments Manager

Global Enrolments Administration Manager: Australia and USA.

ABSI Consultant N.E. Asia

ABSI Consultant S.E. Asia

ABSI Consultant South Korea

ABSI Consultant Japan
ABOUT ABSI's overseas-based consultants, and marketing/design consultant
Our overseas advisors are NOT education agencies.
Our advisors are professional individuals whom have each had a long association with ABSI. Our advisors have assisted us on many occasions during our visits to their regions/countries.
Our consultants understand our schools and our operations. We are grateful for their local knowledge; the assistance they provide to us when we engage them during our country visits, in attending or assisting with organising events; providing language translation, designing materials and assisting us 'on the ground'. We engage our advisors on an as needs basis and we are forever grateful for their ongoing willingness to support our team and schools on this basis.
We would like to acknowledge the expert design services provided by Samantha, owner of VDK Digital - www.vdkdigital.com and her past assistance in providing us essential marketing advice, designing of materials, and insight into the USA education system. Samantha's services have been and continue to be valued by ABSI. Her design skills are outstanding and highly regarded.